這是某間網路調查公司說的 ... 太過分了 ... 我就有用,這代表我是 ...
他說用Firefox Chrome 等等的智商比較高 ... 啊我如果全部都有用要怎麼算 XD
總之這是篇很愚蠢的調查 以我的看法來說
source: http://www.icrt.com.tw/blog/index.php?blogId=18&poId=6&ptId=24&pthreeId=6
Not all web browsers are created equal.
whatsnew | 11 August, 2011 16:11
And in fact, there are more choices out there than there have ever been before.
While Microsoft's Internet Explorer was once the dominant web browser ... many netizens in recent years have migrated away from it for a number of reasons ... including security.
However, a recent consulting firm is suggesting that some people haven't because they're ... well ... dumb.
According to research by Consulting firm AptiQuant ... netizens using IE have the lowest IQ among users of major web browsers.
The study gave 100,000 web surfers an IQ test, then plotted their scores against the browser they used.
According to the firm ... Internet Explorer surfers had an average IQ in the low eighties.
Chrome, Firefox and Safari rated over 100, while minority browsers Opera and Camino had an "exceptionally higher" score of over 120.
While some nerds would concur that there's nothing brilliant about IE ... some IE users have taken exception with being classified as having dull normal intelligence, and just a notch above borderline retarded.
AptiQuant CEO Leonard Howard tried to put the finding in perspective ... saying using IE doesn't mean you have low intelligence.
He said what it really says is that if you have a low IQ then there are high chances that you use Internet Explorer.
Not much consulation for IE fans ... who are threatening Aptiquant with a lawsuit.
For Perspective, I'm jeffrey mindich.