真有心理學實驗證明了想法的力量 ...
這也許也跟我之前說的 "年輕的外貌跟心態年輕有關" 有點連結 !!
也許真是如此 !!
不過請熱血的研究者幫忙找出這些paper的原文吧 XD
1. 想法真的會影響健康 ,不是只是猜測。 而最新的發現指出的是想法會影響生理年齡,而不僅是健康。
2. 重要的是要找出心裡會影響生理的機制,不然也只是瞎子摸象。(也許paper有推測)
3.這可以說明"秘密"裡面想法對健康的影響,但是想法對財富、願望的影響呢 ... ? 有待考證!
source : http://www.icrt.com.tw/blog/index.php?blogId=18&poId=6&ptId=24&pthreeId=6
By now, it's a fairly well accepted fact that our state of mind can have a profound impact on our physical well-being.
whatsnew | 21 July, 2011 16:04
But what if that state of mind could actually turn back the biological clock?
While that sounds mind-boggling, it's exactly what research by Harvard psychologist Ellen Langer has found.
What Langer did in one study was to retrofit an isolated old hotel in the Northeast U.S. hotel so that every visible sign said it was 20 years earlier.
Men in their late 70s and early 80s were told to actually act as if they had traveled back in time.
The idea was to see if changing the men's mindset about their own age might lead to actual changes in health and fitness.
What Langer found almost unbelievable.
After just one week, the men in the experimental group (compared with controls of the same age) had more joint flexibility, increased dexterity and less arthritis in their hands.
Their mental acuity had risen measurably, and they had improved gait and posture.
Outsiders who were shown the men's photographs judged them to be significantly younger than the controls.
The biological clock had been reversed.
And Langer's findings were not a one-off.
She and her Harvard colleagues have done numerous experiments over decades with the same result.
Her book, "Counterclockwise," outlines many of those findings.
And if you had to summerize, it would be fair to say that we are all victims of our own stereotypes about aging and health, and that such negativity, "I'm getting older," has exactly that outcome.
For Perspective, I'm Jeffrey Mindich.