哈哈哈哈,不過結果滿腦子都是food 和 sleep,根本沒有比較好啊。
結論就是一隻豬而已啊,阿哈哈哈哈! 有夠好笑的...真慘,還好我是女...
source: http://www.icrt.com.tw/blog/index.php?blogId=18&poId=6&ptId=24&pthreeId=6
Research puts "all men think about is sex" myth to bed .....
whatsnew | 13 May, 2011 15:28
A recent study appears to have put to bed the long adhered-to belief that all men think about is sex.
Research found that, contrary to popular misconception -- men do not think about sex every seven seconds, but on average only once every waking hour.
According to the study carried out by researchers at the Ohio State University .. men in fact spend most of their time thinking about food and sleep.
Students at the university - both male and female - were asked to carry around a chart -- and mark it every time they thought about sex, food or sleep.
Although the numbers varied widely - with one student only recording one sexual thought a day to another who record some 388 thoughts of sex in a 24 hour period - on average, men thought about food and sleep more often than they thought about sex.
And they thought about all three more often than women did.
As for the belief that men think about sex every seven seconds ---- well ... researchers are pouring scorn on that .. saying if men to actually achieve this they'd have to be awake for 16 hours, and be thinking about sex 8,000 times a day - or as often as they took a breath.
Reporting for ICRT's Perspective .. I'm Gavin Phipps ...