Very inspirational and inspiring indeed,
"Old habits die easier than we think, and new ones form."
"Initially, you're overwhelmed. But gradually you realize it's like a wave.
Resist and you'll be knocked over. Dive into it, and you'll swim out the other side"
"Like Darwin's finches, we are slowly adpting to our environment. And when one does adapt ...
my God, the riches that are available. "
"There is no past that we can bring back by longing for it. Only a present that builds and creates
itself as the past withdaraws."
"The only real failure is the fialure to try. And a measure of success is how we cope with disappointment.
As we always must. We came here and wet tried. All of us in our different ways. "
"We get up in the moringing. We do our best. Nothing else matters. "
"But it's also true that the person who risks nothing ... does nothing, has nothing.
All we know about the future is that it will be differenet. But perhaps what we fear is that it will be the same.
So we must celebrate the changes. Because as someone once siad, everything will be all right in the end,
And if it's not all right, then trust me - It's not yet the end."
- Nov 11 Sun 2012 20:04