I've heard that there are two different state of mind you can divide happiness into,
the tranquil one and the thrilling one. That makes sense. In addition, as far as I reckon,
there are two practical ways to talk about happiness - financial security and mental
well-being. Some may say that talking about money is so shallow, however, no one can
deny te importance of it. At least one must obtain a certain amount of it to maintain
proper functioning of life. As for mental happiness, it is needless to say that it's the
ultimate form of happiness.
便利商店 ... 竟然有人在溜鳥 ... 是真的鳥(這樣說還是怪怪的),小鸚鵡XD
而且不在肩膀上,是跟在地上走 ... 當它是狗嗎 ... = =
果然在家吃特別容易爆表 ... 不管是荷包還是卡路里數量 ...
爆到深處無怨尤 ... 反正很好吃XD
完蛋了 ... 聊天聊到功課寫不完
- Aug 26 Fri 2011 16:37
[Talk] Happiness 華爾街 ... 今日在孝Xstreet