Yale 的心理學教授說:
from: http://oyc.yale.edu/yale/psychology/introduction-to-psychology/content/transcripts/transcript04.html
"At the same time, though, we've also evolved very good lie detection mechanisms. So not only is there evolutionary
pressure for me to lie to you, for me to persuade you for instance, that if we're going to have a--if you are threatening
me don't threaten me, I am not the sort of man you could screw around with. But there's evolutionary pressure for you
to look and say, "No. You are the sort of man you could screw around with. I can tell." So how do you become a good
liar? And here's where the unconscious comes in. The hypothesis is: the best lies are lies we tell ourselves. You're
a better liar, more generally, if you believe the lie that you're telling." By Professor Paul Bloom
- Feb 26 Sat 2011 15:27
[Talk] Yale's Proffessor