This is not the first time I am wondering  why I've not written anything here
for a while. Ha! But I have a new thought here ! It's because that I am
not bored at all ! XD It may be because of the graduate stuff that makes
me busy or because I've something to do when I am free! 

All the possible reasons leave me no time to be "bored" which is the
excellent state to ispire me thinking about my life , or even thinking about
creating a boring poetry-like stuff XD

yeah, becuse I have a certain goal to accomplish, which may be planed
as early as when I was busy studing. Even WOW is a reason why I am not
in the mood of writing (typing), though it is nothing serious!

After all the above, I found that... I was really bored and really had nothing 
to do when I was in university ! XD I don't know if I should thank that ! ha
Anyway, boring , and being free, is waht drives me to do something in this space!
And I think, I can hardly meet that kind of situation for now till, maybe , I graduate
and finish the service in the army.

Ironically, or maybe it's just naturally, being busy costs me not only the time
when I am working but also the time when I am free. I have so many plans caused
by the busy time so that I have no time to leave my mind blank and from which 
state the inspiration and meditation (deep thinking ) may come.

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